Now a days collages are waste. Every thing you learn in your phone. Multinational companies offering lot of course. YouTube is better than our Indian education system.
I strongly believe collages help to become employees. But i want become entrepreneur..........
It's completely our problem. Most of the developed country's like U.S, Singapore,France,Spain etc ..... already recognised online education is better than offline. Last 5 years online education related startup's rise 87%. Indian company byju's expand service's to europe countries.
In India every one think about jobs. How i get job in Google, Microsoft, Amazon etc.........
But no one think about how i creat jobs. Because of lack of knowledge and fear of failure.
We all learning outdated syllabus. No one learn about current trending technologys like cryptocurrancys , blockchain,iot,metaverse etc.......
90% of the young entrepreneurs start business outside of India. India never support startup's.
Now a days collages are waste. Every thing you learn in your phone. Multinational companies offering lot of course. YouTube is better than our Indian education system.
I strongly believe collages help to become employees. But i want become entrepreneur..........